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National Cybersecurity Awareness Month Starts Today

Kathleen Hyde 0

In October, you’re ready for treats, not the tricks that bad actors use to steal identities, breach company databases or spread malware. To stay safe, why not take part in National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM)?

NCSAM is celebrating its 15th year as a collaborative effort between government and industry to ensure Americans have access to resources that promote security and increase the resilience of the nation during cyber-threats. The US Department of Homeland Security and National Cyber Security Alliance are co-leads for this initiative.

This year’s overarching theme is:
Cybersecurity is our shared responsibility and we all must work together to improve our Nation’s cybersecurity. Cybersecurity is not just the responsibility of governments, companies, groups, or individuals. Everyone shares the responsibility for cybersecurity – from the average smartphone user to a corporate CEO.

TheCyberChair will be contributing to this effort by posting one tip a day for the month of October to help you improve your cybersecurity. Are you ready to increase your cybersecurity IQ?

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