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#NCSAM – Today’s Tip

Kathleen Hyde 0
If you have been a victim of one or more data breaches in recent years, then you know the drill.
  1. Receive a tweet about the breach or see/hear a news report.
  2. Maybe receive an email notification from the company that was breached and/or a letter offering free credit monitoring.
  3. Log directly into account. (Just in case it’s a phishing email, you don’t want to access the site via a link.)
  4. Change password.
Does your monitor look like this?

Humans are creatures of habit. Despite the warnings and reminders about cyber hygiene, most of us don’t change passwords unless we are forced to by company policy or circumstances, i.e. breaches. It’s the easiest way – provided you use strong and unique passwords – to increase your cybersecurity posture.

Today’s tip – Change your passwords!
If you closed or cancelled accounts as I recommended a few days ago, at least there will be fewer passwords to change. Just remember that “password” and “12345678” aren’t allowed.

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