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National Cybersecurity Awareness Month – Today’s Tip

Kathleen Hyde 0
It’s Friday and it’s been a long week, right? Another Facebook breach. Questions about a hardware attack on Apple and Amazon. If there’s one thing that’s consistent in the field of cybersecurity, it’s that there is always something happening. That’s why today, I’ve decided the #NCSAM tip of the day needs to start with a guessing game of sorts. Let’s see if you can figure out what hardware I’m describing.
What’s blue, black or gray, requires power and you can’t live without it?
Did you answer smartphone? If you did, that’s not it. Let’s try again.
I sit in the corner at your home and your teens – if you have any living with you – love me. So does Alexa. If you guessed your home router, you’re right!
Today’s tip addresses the security of that often used but almost always overlooked device that provides you with *hopefully* secure WiFi. As consumers, we have a tendency to configure our routers when we purchase them and then as long as they are working, assume all is well.
My advice is never assume. Instead, make it a habit to:
  • Change the default password when you set up a new router.
  • Enable security on all WiFi connections.
  • Configure automatic updates on the device, or, alternatively, make sure you log in and check for firmware updates (and install them).
  • Review the devices that are accessing your network.
  • Disable remote access unless you really need it.

If you haven’t performed any of these safety checks in quite a while, why not do them today?

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