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#NCSAM – Today’s Tip

Kathleen Hyde 0
If I ask nicely, would you give me the keys to your car? What about your home? While those who know me are apt to say “sure” or “no problem” and probably not even ask why, those who don’t are likely to say “no” or “not a chance”.
When we talk about cybersecurity, we often discuss passwords, encryption and ethical hacking. In other words, we think cyber = digital. That’s not incorrect, but it is limiting. We need to also think about physical security. For some reason, we find it easier to think about our data being stolen in a breach than if a laptop is stolen from an unlocked car.
Today’s tip is to remember physical security is an inexpensive way to protect your assets.
What can you do?
First, you can restrict access. You do this by installing locks and using them. Second, you record activity. Install a webcam or CCTV to monitor who is accessing the devices and when. Third, go back to basics; don’t forget about fires, floods and power outages.
If you don’t think you will need a fire extinguisher, think again. Remember when Samsung first introduced its Note 7?

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