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#CyberAware – Final Tip of the Month

Kathleen Hyde 0
I’ve often heard people say that today’s first graders know more about using iPhones than most baby boomers. While that may be true, first graders aren’t usually interested in careers in cybersecurity. Since this is the last day of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, it seems fitting that today’s tip should be an invitation. Cybersecurity is looking for professionals – job opportunities for skilled applicants are expected to continue to be in the millions for years to come – so why not come join us?
I realize you might not be thinking about a career change. I also realize that you might not think your current career has anything to do with cybersecurity. Keep in mind that many of today’s cybersecurity professionals didn’t start out in cybersecurity. They started as network administrators and software developers. Others started their careers in departments that, on the surface, would seem to have no connection to cybersecurity.
So, whether you are in IT or human resources, it might be worthwhile – especially if you are looking for an interesting and challenging career – to think about moving to cybersecurity. If that doesn’t interest you, why not share some of the knowledge you have gained by reading the #CyberAware tips this month with someone else?

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