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Posts published in January 2019

Scammers are Building Trust to Create Victims

Kathleen Hyde 0

We’ve all heard the warnings about telephone calls from Apple or Microsoft support. We know that both companies won’t call individual end users as a courtesy to let them know their PCs are infected or that their software subscriptions are about to expire AND their computers will be turned off.…

Can I Shred This?

Kathleen Hyde 0

Did you shudder when you first heard the experts pronounce we’d be a paperless society one day? Do you laugh now when you hear someone make the same announcement, mainly because based on experience, you know that it’s probably not true…or at least it won’t be for quite some time?…

2019 Resolutions – Are you ready for some new ones?

Kathleen Hyde 0

Most people generally believe that it takes 21 days for a behavior to become a habit which is why – right about now – I’m thinking many of the people who made New Year’s resolutions for 2019 are starting to believe they should just give up. I’m also thinking the…