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Social Media: When a Little is Too Much

Kathleen Hyde 0
Originally, I planned today’s blog title would be “Social Media: Should We Stay or Should We Go?” When I sat down to write the post, however, I decided that to answer that question would require an in-depth examination and analysis of how we use social media and it’s changed our lives and world. I concluded it will take more than one blog post to decipher whether we should stay or go
So, in place of that original idea, I thought I’d share with you a list that might help you decide if your limited use of social media isn’t so limited after all. The list is a bit cheeky, but if you find yourself smiling it might just be time to take a break…even if it’s only for a few minutes and while you’re reading this post.
You know you spend too much time on social media when…
  1. You have to refer to your timeline before you schedule an appointment because you forgot when you’re leaving on vacation.
  2. It’s 2 a.m. and you’re still tweeting.
  3. Your smartphone has to go back on a charger by noon because you read all your social media notifications in the morning.
  4. You can no longer use vibrate at meetings because your smartphone will still be too noisy.
  5. You still speak in sentences that are 140 characters long.
  6. You speak in sentences that are 280 characters long and then pause, waiting for someone to reply or repeat what you’ve said.
  7. You can identify a troll faster than an algorithm can.
  8. After hitting the send button, you think for a split second “that was too much wasn’t it?” or “maybe I shouldn’t have posted that…” and then carry on with your day.
  9. You know who won the epic battle between Eugene the Egg and Kylie Jenner.
  10. You can’t remember the last time you didn’t use an app or a device to say, “I love you.”

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