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Posts published in January 2021

Take Part in Data Privacy Day 2021

Kathleen Hyde 0

Do you know what tomorrow is? It’s January 28th, otherwise known as Global Community Engagement Day, International Lego Day, and National Blueberry Pancake Day. It’s also National Kazoo Day, Rubber Ducky Day, and Thank a Plugin Developer Day for those of you who love WordPress.  Oh, it’s also Data Privacy Day,…

Streaming Services & Security

Kathleen Hyde 0

We love streaming services because they are convenient and relatively inexpensive, at least individually. They provide us the ability to view what we want, when we want, but also some top-notch programming. I’ll probably date myself using these examples, but where would many of us be without Downton Abbey or Game of…

New Year’s Security Check Up (Part II)

Kathleen Hyde 0

If you are like me, time is something that always seems like it is in short supply. That doesn’t mean I don’t try to make time or that I’m unorganized. It just means that my to do list, because of my many work and personal responsibilities, is always jam packed. Check and respond to email. Post to social media. Develop…

New Year’s Security Check Up (Part I)

Kathleen Hyde 0

For many of us, the first week of a new year is an opportunity to reset our lives. We perform brain dumps, create goals, and adopt new habits. We resolve to exercise more and eat less, or improve our health through yoga or meditation. We might even decide it’s the year to seek different…