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Posts published in February 2021

Something Stinks and It’s in My Inbox

Kathleen Hyde 0

It’s a rare thing these days – without a thousand notifications or an online meeting – to have a plan come together. And yet, that’s what happened over the last few weeks as I started to think about this post. As if on cue, to remind me that I’d decided…

Let’s Talk About Sex

Kathleen Hyde 0

For those who thought this blog post would be about sex, I’ll let you in on a little secret so you don’t feel like you’ve wasted your time reading something you wouldn’t otherwise. It’s not.   Instead, it’s about the email messages that, from time to time, make the rounds and…

Time For Romance, Love, and Due Diligence

Kathleen Hyde 0

February is the month when many look for love, celebrate love, or decide to spend their lives with the ones they love because of one day, the 14th. We can usually count on, in the days and weeks leading up to Valentine’s Day, ads enticing us to buy flowers and jewelry, or…

Three Cautionary Tales

Kathleen Hyde 0

The title of this blog post doesn’t really capture the essence of it. I feel like the title should be something along the lines of “and now for something completely different” because what I planned to write and what I’m posting are two different things. Sometimes life gets in the…