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National Cybersecurity Awareness Month – Today’s Tip

Kathleen Hyde 0
Not right now. I’m too busy. Seriously? I’m on a deadline.
Let’s face it. When it comes to operating systems, updates and required restarts always seem to happen at the most inopportune times. Without updates, though, our operating systems – think Windows, Apple and Android for starters –  remain vulnerable and often contain bugs that can affect functionality.
I think it’s safe to say that humans are their own worst enemies when it comes to maintaining their PCs and mobile devices.
Yesterday’s tip was to update your antivirus software and scan your computers, smartphones, tablets and other devices for malware and other threats. Today’s tip is similar. Let’s go back to the basics to be #CyberAware.
Unless you have legacy software that will be negatively affected, let’s consider today Update Sunday. Download/install your operating system security updates. Then, if prompted, say “Yes, now is fine” and approve the restart so the updates are applied. Your PC/devices will thank you.
Well, not quite, but one day that will probably be true.

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