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Posts published by “Kathleen Hyde”

National Cybersecurity Awareness Month – Yesterday’s Tip

Kathleen Hyde 0

Deleting files on your devices, specifically desktop and laptop PCs, isn’t like taking out the trash. Trash is put in bags, placed in cans and put on the curb where it is picked up and whisked away, never to be seen again. When you delete files on Windows PCs, the…

National Cybersecurity Awareness Month – Today’s Tip

Kathleen Hyde 0

To those who like to have the latest technology in their offices and at home, you can probably skip today’s tip, which could easily be called EOL (end of life) or how old is too old. From the non-security, 30,000 foot view, a system has reached its end of life…

#CyberAware – Today’s Tip

Kathleen Hyde 0

You: Hello?  Caller: Hello, this is (insert bogus name of scammer) from (bogus company or government agency). I am calling to verify your information for our records. Your address is (insert your address found on the Internet)?  You: Yes. Caller: Thank you for confirming that information. Can you confirm your…

#CyberAware – Today’s Tip

Kathleen Hyde 0

When my children were younger and we went on a trip in the car longer than the ten minutes needed to get to the grocery store, we used to play the game I Spy. I Spy, with my little eye…something red. Is it a car? Is it a barn? The…

#NCSAM – Today’s Tip

Kathleen Hyde 0

If I ask nicely, would you give me the keys to your car? What about your home? While those who know me are apt to say “sure” or “no problem” and probably not even ask why, those who don’t are likely to say “no” or “not a chance”. When we…

National Cybersecurity Awareness Month – Yesterday’s Tip

Kathleen Hyde 0

If you remember Myspace in its heyday and are willing to admit it, you’ve just revealed your age. That’s OK, your secret is safe with me. I know you’re 29. 🙂  All kidding aside, today’s tip is about TMI (Too Much Information) and social media. Time for my serious face…

NCSAM – Today’s Tip

Kathleen Hyde 0

Today’s Tip addresses one of the unsung heroes of data transfer and storage – the USB thumb or jump drive. Though many users have moved away from this technology to external hard drives and storage in the cloud, there are still many – like me – who use them for…

#NCSAM – Today’s Tip

Kathleen Hyde 0

Airports have it. Hotels have it. National fast food chains offer it too. In fact, in some locations, the prompts you will receive on a smartphone to sign in can become pretty annoying at times. I’m talking about free Wi-Fi. As handy as being able to use someone else’s bandwidth…

National Cybersecurity Awareness Month – Today’s Tip

Kathleen Hyde 0

Not right now. I’m too busy. Seriously? I’m on a deadline. Let’s face it. When it comes to operating systems, updates and required restarts always seem to happen at the most inopportune times. Without updates, though, our operating systems – think Windows, Apple and Android for starters –  remain vulnerable…

#CyberAware – Today’s Tip

Kathleen Hyde 0

A few years ago – more than a few actually – a subtle name change in the software world occurred. Companies like Symantec and McAfee replaced their traditional antivirus (AV) suites with Internet security software packages that combined firewall protection with antivirus and web protection software. Microsoft introduced Windows Defender…