Stressed? Tired? Eagerly awaiting the arrival of 2021 and wishing you had an EASY button the size of the Grand Canyon so you could slap it and jump ahead right now? You’re not alone. Whether you’ve been working from home for the better part of the past year or on…
Posts published in “Tips”
Training programs and phishing “tests” are a regular part of the office landscape for employees today, and yet the human factor still remains the weakest link in cybersecurity for most organizations. Why is that and what can we – since all of us play a role – do? Let’s tackle…
Did you shudder when you first heard the experts pronounce we’d be a paperless society one day? Do you laugh now when you hear someone make the same announcement, mainly because based on experience, you know that it’s probably not true…or at least it won’t be for quite some time?…
Most people generally believe that it takes 21 days for a behavior to become a habit which is why – right about now – I’m thinking many of the people who made New Year’s resolutions for 2019 are starting to believe they should just give up. I’m also thinking the…
I’ve often heard people say that today’s first graders know more about using iPhones than most baby boomers. While that may be true, first graders aren’t usually interested in careers in cybersecurity. Since this is the last day of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, it seems fitting that today’s tip should…
I can’t imagine winning a million dollars in a lottery much less the astronomical jackpot in last week’s Powerball. The thought actually sickens me a little and not because I wouldn’t know how to spend the money. In winning a lottery of that size – or any I suppose –…
When was the last time you took a selfie and posted it to Instagram? If you’re like me, you never have and the likelihood you will, unless forced to for promotional purposes, is pretty slim. Why? Because you like or you value your privacy. Maybe your answer is a little…
There are some things that are just plain icky or yucky or gross. It really doesn’t matter what word is used to describe them because the bottom line is that we just don’t go there when it comes to those things. Take toothbrushes, for example. You wouldn’t share a toothbrush,…