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Posts tagged as “#CyberAware”

Cybersecurity Awareness Month…I’m Concerned

Kathleen Hyde 0
  [caption id="attachment_1871" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]Ain image withpale green lines like a circuit board over a dark blue-violet background and the words National Cyber Security Month in pale green on the center left. Image licensed through Adobe Stock. Image licensed through Adobe Stock.[/caption] By this time in September, my inbox is typically overflowing with invitations to webinars and other events celebrating Cybersecurity Awareness Month, which begins tomorrow. This year I've received exactly one email - and the mention was part of sponsor content in a newsletter - that mentioned programming aimed at securing our digital lives.  What? Wait a minute! Only one?  Yes, only one and I had to do a search on my inbox to locate it.   I'm not sure if I should be elated because it means I won't have to buy new batteries for my mouse so it can work overtime or if I should be extremely concerned. Is this situation because our security is in a place where we don't need to be worried anymore? Are most organizations waiting until October arrives to begin sharing their knowledge or using the event to market their security and privacy products and services? Or has cybersecurity awareness become background noise?  I'm hoping it's not the latter. We are not at the point yet where we can take our foot off the gas pedal much less hit the brakes. But it does seem like a plausible explanation. 

Tis the Season for Online Shopping – Stay Safe

Kathleen Hyde 0
A person is talking on the phone while holding their credit card and using a laptop. Their glasses are in the foreground, and they are dressed for cold weather and there are holiday decorations around them. Online shopping this holiday? Image standard license from Adobe Stock.[/caption] The day after Thanksgiving, also known as Black Friday, used to signal the official start of the holiday shopping season. Retailers traditionally saved their "best deals" for those brave enough to battle the crowds, turkey fatigue, and sometimes the weather to shop till they dropped. Last year, 84.2 million people shopped in stores on Black Friday, according to the National Retail Federation (NRF). Another 93.2 million shopped online, surpassing Cyber Monday's 83.3 million shoppers.  This year is different. The pandemic has changed how and where we shop. Adobe is predicting record gains for e-commerce, with online holiday spending projected to reach $189 billion and buy online, pick up in-store (BOPIS) expected to reach 40 percent Year-over-Year growth.   Are you planning to shop online this holiday season? If you are, stay safe with these suggestions. 

#CyberAware – Final Tip of the Month

Kathleen Hyde 0

I’ve often heard people say that today’s first graders know more about using iPhones than most baby boomers. While that may be true, first graders aren’t usually interested in careers in cybersecurity. Since this is the last day of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, it seems fitting that today’s tip should…

#CyberAware – Today’s Tip (Don’t Be a Victim)

Kathleen Hyde 0

I can’t imagine winning a million dollars in a lottery much less the astronomical jackpot in last week’s Powerball. The thought actually sickens me a little and not because I wouldn’t know how to spend the money. In winning a lottery of that size – or any I suppose –…

#CyberAware – Today’s Tip (Privacy)

Kathleen Hyde 0

When was the last time you took a selfie and posted it to Instagram? If you’re like me, you never have and the likelihood you will, unless forced to for promotional purposes, is pretty slim. Why? Because you like or you value your privacy. Maybe your answer is a little…

#CyberAware – Today’s Tip (Yuck!)

Kathleen Hyde 0

There are some things that are just plain icky or yucky or gross. It really doesn’t matter what word is used to describe them because the bottom line is that we just don’t go there when it comes to those things. Take toothbrushes, for example. You wouldn’t share a toothbrush,…

#CyberAware – Today’s Tip (Hairy Teeth and All)

Kathleen Hyde 0

When my late son was in preschool, he had a teacher, Mrs. George, who used to tell her students that she would grow hairy teeth if they didn’t obey the class rules. Luckily, she developed a sense of humor toward my son’s regular antics. He was smart but not overly…

#CyberAware – Today’s Tip

Kathleen Hyde 0

While apps for Android smartphones can enhance our productivity, allow for better communication, may be necessary for our work and offer an escape when life gets too complicated, they can be pretty scary if privacy is a concern. I’ve been surveying and talking about app permissions for a while now…

National Cybersecurity Awareness Month – Today’s Tip

Kathleen Hyde 0

To those who like to have the latest technology in their offices and at home, you can probably skip today’s tip, which could easily be called EOL (end of life) or how old is too old. From the non-security, 30,000 foot view, a system has reached its end of life…

#CyberAware – Today’s Tip

Kathleen Hyde 0

You: Hello?  Caller: Hello, this is (insert bogus name of scammer) from (bogus company or government agency). I am calling to verify your information for our records. Your address is (insert your address found on the Internet)?  You: Yes. Caller: Thank you for confirming that information. Can you confirm your…