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Posts tagged as “Human Factor”

Social Media and Very Real Consequences

Kathleen Hyde 0

Content Warning: online harassment, blackmail, suicide I’m always saddened when I learn that someone has experienced the death of a child because I’ve been there. I know what that gut-wrenching, heart-stopping pain feels like and how, in an instant, everything in your life changes. I know what it feels like…

Influences of Words and Actions on History

Kathleen Hyde 0
This week Monday wasn't just the first day of the work week or the first day of March. It was also the first day of Women's History Month. Though this year's theme is not related to cybersecurity, I want to draw attention to this month-long event that honors women's contributions in American history because our words and actions today have the power to influence history.  Think of where we might be without the contributions of women, in light of this year's theme "Valiant Women of the Vote: Refusing to Be Silenced", but also with respect to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). What would the world be like without the contributions of Edith ClarkeGrace Hopper, or Sally Ride 

Time For Romance, Love, and Due Diligence

Kathleen Hyde 0

February is the month when many look for love, celebrate love, or decide to spend their lives with the ones they love because of one day, the 14th. We can usually count on, in the days and weeks leading up to Valentine’s Day, ads enticing us to buy flowers and jewelry, or…

New Year’s Security Check Up (Part II)

Kathleen Hyde 0

If you are like me, time is something that always seems like it is in short supply. That doesn’t mean I don’t try to make time or that I’m unorganized. It just means that my to do list, because of my many work and personal responsibilities, is always jam packed. Check and respond to email. Post to social media. Develop…

Happy Holidays—Secure Your New Devices!

Kathleen Hyde 0

Have you already shredded the paper and ripped off the plastic? Or are you beyond doing that…even if you are overjoyed whenever you get a new electronic tool from someone or somewhere?   Tool does sound so much better than gadget, doesn’t it? And yes, “somewhere” was intentional. I know many of us buy…

The Why and What of the Human Factor

Kathleen Hyde 0

Training programs and phishing “tests” are a regular part of the office landscape for employees today, and yet the human factor still remains the weakest link in cybersecurity for most organizations. Why is that and what can we – since all of us play a role – do? Let’s tackle…