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Posts tagged as “Pandemic”

Year in Review 2020

Kathleen Hyde 0

I thought I’d do an A to Z look at 2020, but honestly, like most of you, I’m tired and just want 2021 to get here. I don’t need fanfare. No glass of wine. No cocktail franks or cheesecake. No countdown to the ball dropping because, after all, what fun is…

Webcams: Pros and Cons

Kathleen Hyde 0
Earlier this year, when many of us began working remotely 100 percent of the time and Zoom became a household word that could be used as a noun and a verb, I found out the hard way just how much some people don't like the fact I don't - as a rule - use a webcam when I attend virtual meetings. It's not that I don't have access to one or more webcams, I do. I just don't have them on certain devices that I use daily. That's by design, just like how I have webcam covers on the integrated cameras on my laptops, and how my preference is to opt out of apps that want access to the cameras on my smartphones even when it's unnecessary, meaning that access isn't tied to app functionality. In short, I use webcams when I must but I'm not a big fan. [caption id="attachment_960" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Turn on video and turn off video flat vector icons for apps and websites. Image licensed through Adobe Stock. On or off? Read on to find out pros and cons of both. Image licensed through Adobe Stock.[/caption]