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Posts published in “Career”

Influences of Words and Actions on History

Kathleen Hyde 0
This week Monday wasn't just the first day of the work week or the first day of March. It was also the first day of Women's History Month. Though this year's theme is not related to cybersecurity, I want to draw attention to this month-long event that honors women's contributions in American history because our words and actions today have the power to influence history.  Think of where we might be without the contributions of women, in light of this year's theme "Valiant Women of the Vote: Refusing to Be Silenced", but also with respect to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). What would the world be like without the contributions of Edith ClarkeGrace Hopper, or Sally Ride 

Year in Review 2020

Kathleen Hyde 0

I thought I’d do an A to Z look at 2020, but honestly, like most of you, I’m tired and just want 2021 to get here. I don’t need fanfare. No glass of wine. No cocktail franks or cheesecake. No countdown to the ball dropping because, after all, what fun is…

Cybersecurity – What? Where? Who?

Kathleen Hyde 0

It’s 3 a.m. and what’s left of the pizza is cold. There are a few partially drunk energy drinks on a table. In the dim light, the figure – head concealed in a dark hoodie – pecks away at a keyboard. Click, click, click. Enough. I can’t take it. Pizza?…

The Skills Gap and…Pie

Kathleen Hyde 0

Next week is Thanksgiving and though I won’t be eating turkey or loading up on mashed potatoes, I will be having a piece of pie. Stay with me on this one. It’s not just that I haven’t met a pie I haven’t liked. After all, who can resist key lime…

Did you find cybersecurity or did cybersecurity find you? #NCCAW

Kathleen Hyde 0

Little did I know when I first taught myself how to program “Hello World” that years later I’d be Chair of Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics Programs at Champlain College Online. Along the way,  I was a news reporter for years and an Information Technology (IT) consultant for a couple decades.…

National Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week is Coming!

Kathleen Hyde 0

Next week (November 12-17) is National Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week. In honor of this event, I will be blogging daily on careers in cybersecurity, answering questions like: Did you find cybersecurity or did cybersecurity find you? I’m not technical, is there a place in cybersecurity for me? I’ve decided I…